LOL todae at school got a freakin maths carnival so jia wei and I camped in the toilet for an hour(pics soon)
And last week i went fishing and caught a sardine lol (pics oso soon)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Chipmunk versions
Well i'm bored so I "made" some songs in chipmunk versions for download =)
Sorry Sorry:
Ji Ba Ban:
Cao Cao:
Smack That:
Copy and paste the links=)
Please request more songs or report not working ones to 90064054
Sorry Sorry:
Ji Ba Ban:
Cao Cao:
Smack That:
Copy and paste the links=)
Please request more songs or report not working ones to 90064054
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Not so gud day...
Well psle was over sumtime ago but no time to post....too busy celebrating LOL.....
over all...i tink i did fairy well for psle...
Todae was supposed to be a "fantastic" "superb" "Full of fun" dae but I was ripped off!
1st we had a freakin LECTURE in the hall,i tot it was okay...was juz a lecture...there will be fun for the rest of the dae...WELL I WAS WRONG!!
we had time to chat awhile in class then we had to go to our CCAs.....
We asked the teacher if we could go to the library instead since we were all in our uniforms(they din't inform us WTF?!)and i did not bring my boots.
She said it was okay BUT we had to tell our teacher in charge.
I tried to find my teacher but could not find him,so i decided to tell him later.
We went for our "recesses" and then went to the library.
After 10 mins of silent reading,the librarian came in from her break.
We answered,"Primary 6"
We went out to find the sign and we saw a fine print saying,:"library closed"
I wanted to join my fwens to their CCA,rockclimbing but one of them decided to camp in the toilet (I did it once and he wanted to prove he could too....)
We camped for about 20 mins when he started complaining.
We walked down the stairs to the rock wall and i decided to try rock climbing.
I asked the teacher if i could join since it was the last CCA session and she replied
,"Did I think you just said what I think u said?"
Fed-up with the stupidity of those @#$@$@s I decided to camp in the toilet.
I went to the toilet on the 3rd floor and went in the largest cubic.
The smell of urine was in the air.
I was almost asleep when I heard a boy,maybe P4.He was chatting with some friends and came in the toilet.I was frozen stiff.I hid at a corner,hopping they would just leave,and they did!(AFTER 5 freaking mins)
I felt feverish but ignored it.
After awhile(about 10.10a.m(I started camping at 9.45 a.m !))I heard footsteps followed by a cough.
I realized it was a man.I decided to stay quiet for awhile.First he washed his hands for 5 bloody mins(I'm not lying,he really did that...)Then he went to pee...(could hear him humming while he peed...)Again wtf who washed his/her hands then pees????well him!Then he washed his hands for 2 more freaking mins and left.
I could not stand the heat and decided to confess.
When I was walking out of the toilet, I saw two of my classmates and I decided to act casually to avoid suspicion.
When I was at the second floor,I saw the football field filled with people and the teacher scolding them,so i decided to go back into hiding,this time in the toilet on the second floor.
The toilet had its lights offed so i tot it was a good place to hide but once i entered the place all the lights turned on and I knew there were sensors and it was to my advantage.
I got in a cubic and after awhile a few boys came in(I could here them screaming...)
They peed and left (10.21)
After awhile another wave of boys came and I decided to sit on the toilet bowl jus in case they saw nobody's legs.The WHACKED the door and said,"opps,wrong people."
I was like saying "FU%K you,you b@5t@rds!KANI#!BU!"
They left soon after and about five mins later the lights went off (10.30)
Awhile later the lights turned on again and I heard a woman speaking hokkien.I thought it was the janitor so after a few minutes, I checked and saw a slipper and I confirmed it was the JANITOR!
Heng after awhile she left,lights went off again but after awhile 3 waves of boys then a teacher(10.45-11.00)
11.15,Another janitor came.I tot if I dun go now,I'll be late.So when a boy came in I CHIONG AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Went to 1st floor to find Jw but onli found his bro.He tried to help me find Jw but in the end I found Bryan Tan.
I tagged along and after awhile i found xunjie followed by Jw.
After that,we went back to class for awhile den to the ISH.
Once at the ISH we saw about 300+ ppl squeezing over there and i was stuck at the corner well 16 ppl were playing.
1st jovin and the G.A.Y.S(Girly Alliance for Young Students)plaed floorball and pretty much sucked but they had luck on their side and eventually won the bloody game.
After awhile i was stuffy so Jw and I went back to class and saw bryan low crying(WTF!!!)but after awhile a prefect forced us to go back to the ISH but by the time we got there it was 1.25p.m and when we reached there it was dismissal time again wtf.
Well I got a new reccord"CAMPING IN THE TOILET FOR 1H and 45 MINS!!!"
Hand pain....
over all...i tink i did fairy well for psle...
Todae was supposed to be a "fantastic" "superb" "Full of fun" dae but I was ripped off!
1st we had a freakin LECTURE in the hall,i tot it was okay...was juz a lecture...there will be fun for the rest of the dae...WELL I WAS WRONG!!
we had time to chat awhile in class then we had to go to our CCAs.....
We asked the teacher if we could go to the library instead since we were all in our uniforms(they din't inform us WTF?!)and i did not bring my boots.
She said it was okay BUT we had to tell our teacher in charge.
I tried to find my teacher but could not find him,so i decided to tell him later.
We went for our "recesses" and then went to the library.
After 10 mins of silent reading,the librarian came in from her break.
We answered,"Primary 6"
We went out to find the sign and we saw a fine print saying,:"library closed"
I wanted to join my fwens to their CCA,rockclimbing but one of them decided to camp in the toilet (I did it once and he wanted to prove he could too....)
We camped for about 20 mins when he started complaining.
We walked down the stairs to the rock wall and i decided to try rock climbing.
I asked the teacher if i could join since it was the last CCA session and she replied
,"Did I think you just said what I think u said?"
Fed-up with the stupidity of those @#$@$@s I decided to camp in the toilet.
I went to the toilet on the 3rd floor and went in the largest cubic.
The smell of urine was in the air.
I was almost asleep when I heard a boy,maybe P4.He was chatting with some friends and came in the toilet.I was frozen stiff.I hid at a corner,hopping they would just leave,and they did!(AFTER 5 freaking mins)
I felt feverish but ignored it.
After awhile(about 10.10a.m(I started camping at 9.45 a.m !))I heard footsteps followed by a cough.
I realized it was a man.I decided to stay quiet for awhile.First he washed his hands for 5 bloody mins(I'm not lying,he really did that...)Then he went to pee...(could hear him humming while he peed...)Again wtf who washed his/her hands then pees????well him!Then he washed his hands for 2 more freaking mins and left.
I could not stand the heat and decided to confess.
When I was walking out of the toilet, I saw two of my classmates and I decided to act casually to avoid suspicion.
When I was at the second floor,I saw the football field filled with people and the teacher scolding them,so i decided to go back into hiding,this time in the toilet on the second floor.
The toilet had its lights offed so i tot it was a good place to hide but once i entered the place all the lights turned on and I knew there were sensors and it was to my advantage.
I got in a cubic and after awhile a few boys came in(I could here them screaming...)
They peed and left (10.21)
After awhile another wave of boys came and I decided to sit on the toilet bowl jus in case they saw nobody's legs.The WHACKED the door and said,"opps,wrong people."
I was like saying "FU%K you,you b@5t@rds!KANI#!BU!"
They left soon after and about five mins later the lights went off (10.30)
Awhile later the lights turned on again and I heard a woman speaking hokkien.I thought it was the janitor so after a few minutes, I checked and saw a slipper and I confirmed it was the JANITOR!
Heng after awhile she left,lights went off again but after awhile 3 waves of boys then a teacher(10.45-11.00)
11.15,Another janitor came.I tot if I dun go now,I'll be late.So when a boy came in I CHIONG AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Went to 1st floor to find Jw but onli found his bro.He tried to help me find Jw but in the end I found Bryan Tan.
I tagged along and after awhile i found xunjie followed by Jw.
After that,we went back to class for awhile den to the ISH.
Once at the ISH we saw about 300+ ppl squeezing over there and i was stuck at the corner well 16 ppl were playing.
1st jovin and the G.A.Y.S(Girly Alliance for Young Students)plaed floorball and pretty much sucked but they had luck on their side and eventually won the bloody game.
After awhile i was stuffy so Jw and I went back to class and saw bryan low crying(WTF!!!)but after awhile a prefect forced us to go back to the ISH but by the time we got there it was 1.25p.m and when we reached there it was dismissal time again wtf.
Well I got a new reccord"CAMPING IN THE TOILET FOR 1H and 45 MINS!!!"
Hand pain....
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Well the first paper was easy but the second 1 alittle tough.....
i think i can get about 60-85... oh well gtg...
i think i can get about 60-85... oh well gtg...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Well now JOVIN and CASSANDRA are saying i'm the spammer well i'll have bush take care of this for me

Friday, September 4, 2009
Suay ah Suay...
2 weeks ago finish PSLE orals,1week ago prelims so on monday 1st sep if i'm not mistaken,celebrate lyk mad cos of teacher day and prelim and oral over.
On Monday when i come back from celebration... got a bit swore throat so i thought aiya nothing 1 la(trying to act lyk singaporean fwens LOL jkjk...) so i drink some water den study lorz.
At nite my mother not enuf time 2 cook so go chinatown eat sapo fan(claypot rice in cantonese)
Nxt day i wake up fell very warm den very hot den cold den cough alot so i take themometer see my temperature suddenly 39.2 deegrees so i tell my father and he brought me 2 the doc.-_-'"
wait lyk 30min-1hour den can get check-up...
doc say that day alot ppl got fever...
finally i get medicine and went home.
I took the stupid medicine and felt drozy so i slept
dunno y so nice 2 sleep i slept for de whole day.
Nxt day same thing but i could walk abit already but still feel abit faint
de Nxt day i no more fever but i still got very bad case of sore throat and cough and stuff lyk that
2day all better except for de cough.
Suddenly bout 6 yeetat call me and my mother pick-up
she tell me its for me and said yeetat very Very VEry VERy VERY rude
she say she ask yes?may i help u?
yetat say Eh U zach rite huh u gud not?
I siiiiii beiiiiii embarassed sia
he tell me most of my marks and all quite bad...
juz when i felt better got bad news agn aiyazzzzzz
diao bye i nid go take medicine agn *puke puke puke(100% real barf)
On Monday when i come back from celebration... got a bit swore throat so i thought aiya nothing 1 la(trying to act lyk singaporean fwens LOL jkjk...) so i drink some water den study lorz.
At nite my mother not enuf time 2 cook so go chinatown eat sapo fan(claypot rice in cantonese)
Nxt day i wake up fell very warm den very hot den cold den cough alot so i take themometer see my temperature suddenly 39.2 deegrees so i tell my father and he brought me 2 the doc.-_-'"
wait lyk 30min-1hour den can get check-up...
doc say that day alot ppl got fever...
finally i get medicine and went home.
I took the stupid medicine and felt drozy so i slept
dunno y so nice 2 sleep i slept for de whole day.
Nxt day same thing but i could walk abit already but still feel abit faint
de Nxt day i no more fever but i still got very bad case of sore throat and cough and stuff lyk that
2day all better except for de cough.
Suddenly bout 6 yeetat call me and my mother pick-up
she tell me its for me and said yeetat very Very VEry VERy VERY rude
she say she ask yes?may i help u?
yetat say Eh U zach rite huh u gud not?
I siiiiii beiiiiii embarassed sia
he tell me most of my marks and all quite bad...
juz when i felt better got bad news agn aiyazzzzzz
diao bye i nid go take medicine agn *puke puke puke(100% real barf)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
LOL so 2day was the schools pre-national day celebration!
A teacher named Mdm.Kong(king kong la) start the celebration with a speech bout the country's history that lasted 4 about 15 mins + we needed 2 stand still for that gruesome 15 mins!LEG PAIN LEAH,while those stupid "poi ching idol finalist" get to move around and chitchat at the 2nd floor bloody hell.
After speech after speech and singing the nationl atem, we went to the hall 2 start the poiching idol....
Miss woon veri funeh sia,keep giving stupid comments..
ppl kept throwing signs around and i got 1 saying "6G GOGOGO!"
I use the double sided tape and tape the sing to my face lol...
1st singer was wee han....sing wad lemon tree...embarrased himelf lol...
den a few more singer then that dominique sang kindergarden song of the world lol
den a few more de joalina..dress like something i cant describe lol
den a fewww more then bertrand...sing a whole new world...

suddenly got 1 sign fly towards me,it was a thumbs up phone finger>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
sadly no 1 sang my favourite song lol!"JI BA BAN!"
Well joalina won in the end,she might hav won a trophy but i "won" tis>>>>>>>>>
A teacher named Mdm.Kong(king kong la) start the celebration with a speech bout the country's history that lasted 4 about 15 mins + we needed 2 stand still for that gruesome 15 mins!LEG PAIN LEAH,while those stupid "poi ching idol finalist" get to move around and chitchat at the 2nd floor bloody hell.
After speech after speech and singing the nationl atem, we went to the hall 2 start the poiching idol....
Miss woon veri funeh sia,keep giving stupid comments..
ppl kept throwing signs around and i got 1 saying "6G GOGOGO!"
I use the double sided tape and tape the sing to my face lol...
1st singer was wee han....sing wad lemon tree...embarrased himelf lol...
den a few more singer then that dominique sang kindergarden song of the world lol
den a few more de joalina..dress like something i cant describe lol
den a fewww more then bertrand...sing a whole new world...
suddenly got 1 sign fly towards me,it was a thumbs up phone finger>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
sadly no 1 sang my favourite song lol!"JI BA BAN!"
Well joalina won in the end,she might hav won a trophy but i "won" tis>>>>>>>>>
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